Presentation from Bentley Expert ( BIM For Geotechnical Engineering – Building and Transportation E
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Narasumber :
Dr William WL CHEANG
Principal Consultant, Geotechnics.
Geotechnical Simulation Group and User Success
Seequent, Singapore.
William holds a BEng (Hons) and a MSc from the University of East London. His PhD is in
Geotechnical Engineering from National University of Singapore. It was during those
formative years that he developed a passion for computational geotechnical engineering.
His current position is the Principal Consultant at Seequent, located in Singapore, where he
is based. His responsibilities include being a technical lead for Plaxis in Asia Pacific for
geotechnical simulation and user success. In the past 25 years, he has worked as a
geotechnical consultant in the civil engineering industry in the Asia Pacific region. He brings
a wealth of experience to the table.
In addition to being an ultra-endurance athlete with a passion for competing in mountain
races around the world, he enjoys spending as much time as possible outdoors. Besides that,
he is an award-winning photographer who also does photography as a hobby. Kendo is an art
form he practices, and he adheres to the Kaizen philosophy.
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